GrecoShop S.r.l., with registered office in the G1/D island management center, floor 12 int. 88 - 80143 Naples (NA), is the owner of the site


Acceptance of the general conditions of sale

1. The contract stipulated between GrecoShop and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by GrecoShop S.r.l.. This acceptance is considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated in any way to the Customer. By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to fully accept the general and payment conditions transcribed below.

2. If the Customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity), once the online purchase procedure has been completed, he will print o save an electronic copy and in any case keep these general conditions of sale, in compliance with the provisions of the articles. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/1999 on distance selling.

3. Any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damage to people and/or things, caused by non-acceptance, even partial. , of an order.


How to purchase

4. The Customer can only purchase the products present in the GrecoShop electronic catalog at the time of placing the order and viewable online at the address (URL) http://www.grecoshop. it, as described in the relevant information sheets. It is understood that the image accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but may differ in colour, size and accessory products present in the figure. All information supporting the purchase (Glossary, characteristics, etc...) is to be understood as simple generic information material, not referable to the real characteristics of a single product.

5. Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by GrecoShop S.r.l. by means of a response via e-mail, sent to the e-mail address communicated by the Customer. This confirmation message will contain the Date and Time of execution of the order and a 'Customer Order Number', to be used in any further communication with GrecoShop. The message presents all the data entered by the Customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and promptly communicate any corrections, according to the methods described in this document.

6. In case of non-acceptance of the order, GrecoShop S.r.l. guarantees timely communication to the Customer.


Payment methods

7. Advance bank transfer

The Advance Bank Transfer payment form can be used on all items in the catalogue. In case of payment by advance bank transfer, the amount ordered by the Customer will be kept busy until receipt of proof of the transfer, to be sent to GrecoShop S.r.l. (via fax or e-mail) no later than 3 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. The order will be sent only when the amount due is actually credited to the current account of GrecoShop S.r.l. which must take place within 7 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. Once these deadlines have passed, the order will be considered automatically cancelled.
The reason for the bank transfer must include:
• the order reference number
• the date of placing the order
/>• name and surname of the order holder

8. PayPal

By selecting the PayPal payment type you will be redirected to a page on the PayPal site where you can make the payment by credit card or prepaid card. If you are registered, you will enter your email address and password and make the payment. If you are not, the information you will need to provide to make the payment includes your credit or debit card details and some personal information that PayPal will retain in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Your financial data will not be shared with GrecoShop but will be managed directly by PayPal. In case of cancellation of the order or non-acceptance by GrecoShop, the amount will be refunded to your PayPal account. GrecoShop will not be responsible for delays and/or damages caused during the refund process.

9. GestPay by Banca Sella - Virtual POS

Why our choice fell on the “GestPay” payment system?

Because it is easy, fast and safe and offering you customers a payment service with these characteristics is first and foremost a duty, as well as being synonymous with seriousness. The staff of GrecoShop is very attentive and sensitive to these aspects because, even before being merchants, we were and still are consumers and we know well that it doesn't feel good to be ripped off!! In addition to being a safe and innovative system, which allows you to pay via credit and prepaid cards instantly and safe from any fraud (online transactions are carried out with Verisign certification, via a Secure Server that adopts the protection system SSL Secure Socket Layer and 3D Secure Anti-fraud protection Verified by VISA and MasterCard Secure Code which eliminates potential chargebacks), GestPay is highly competitive compared to other online payment services. All this gives us the possibility of reducing certain additional costs which, as everyone knows, affect the final price of the product. The accepted credit cards are Visa, Mastercard, Cartasì and American Express.

10. Mark

In case of cash on delivery purchases, an additional contribution of 6.00 Euros or 3% for purchases over 200.00 Euros will be applied to the total amount, as clearly highlighted when choosing the payment method. Payment must be made exclusively with cash (BANK checks will not be accepted by the courier). The communication to the Customer of which courier will be in charge of delivery will be carried out in the manner provided on the site. Nothing more than what is indicated at the time of the order will be due by the Customer.

11. Top up PostePay

What is a PostePay top-up?
The PostePay top-up is a payment method that can be made in any post office or comfortably at home on the internet.

11.1 How to top up PostePay at the post office:
The form to top up is found at the post office closest to your home, you will find it available inside of the office or you will have to ask for it at a counter. After filling out the form with the data that we will have sent you by email, you will have to deliver it to a counter, the employee will give you a copy of the form as proof of payment.

11.2 What next?

11.3 PostePay top-up is very fast, when you make the payment, we will already have the credit and we will be able to proceed with shipping the order.
You can send us a email to notify us of the payment.

11.4 How to top up PostePay on the Internet:
If you have a PostePay card or are the holder of a Postal Current Account (BancoPosta) you have the possibility to top up via the website of the Post Office. If you have a PostePay card, follow these simple steps:
1. Enter the post office website;
2. Enter your username and password;
3. Click on the "Reload paper" item in the menu on the left;
4. On the page that opens, enter your card details in the "Ordering Postepay Card" section, and in the "Beneficiary Postepay Card" section the PostePay card number that we will have sent you by e-mail. In the "Amount to top up" field, enter the total amount of the order.
Click on the "Continue->" button

11.5 And after?

11.6 PostePay top-up is very fast, when you make the payment, we will already have a view of the credit and will be able to proceed with shipping the order.
You can send us a email to notify us of the payment.


Delivery methods and transport conditions

12. GrecoShop can only accept orders for delivery in Italian territory.

13. For each order placed on GrecoShop, GrecoShop S.r.l. issues a receipt or invoice (on request) for the material shipped, sending it via e-mail to the order holder, pursuant to art. 14 of the Presidential Decree. 445/2000 and DL 52/2004 or by attaching it to the order package. For issuing the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No changes to the invoice will be possible after it has been issued.

14. Delivery costs are borne by GrecoShop, without prejudice to any transport cost contributions, explicitly highlighted at the time the order is placed. Payment for the goods by the Customer will take place using the method chosen at the time of the order. Nothing more is owed by the Customer compared to the total order.

15.No responsibility can be attributed to GrecoShop S.r.l. in case of delay in processing the order or in delivering what was ordered.

16. Unless explicitly indicated by our Customer Service, delivery is intended to be at street level. Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the Customer is required to check:

• that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document in advance via e-mail;
• that the packaging is intact, not damaged, wet or otherwise altered, even in terms of materials closure (adhesive tape or metal straps).

Any damage to the packaging and/or the product or the mismatch in the number of packages or indications must be immediately reported by placing a WRITTEN CONTROL RESERVE on the courier's proof of delivery. Once the courier's document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection regarding the external characteristics of what was delivered.

Any problems relating to the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 7 days of delivery, according to the methods set out in this document.

17. In the event of failure to collect the material in stock at the courier's warehouses within 5 working days due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order, the order will be automatically cancelled.

For further information, consult the transport conditions Paccocelere 3, express courier BRT (Bartolini) and express courier GLS.


Shipping costs

18. GrecoShop calculates shipping costs based on the weight of the individual items added to the cart. The cost of shipping costs is only €9.90 for every 30kg of goods ordered. Only for products present in the "Machines" section and for others that reach a certain size, the cost of shipping costs is not calculated based on weight but based on volume and its value for the individual product is indicated directly in the advertisement . It is recommended to check the integrity of the package upon receipt. In case of anomalies, accept the package by signing "reserve".

Shipping costs are automatically calculated in the cart section.

For shipments made with Paccocelere 3 of Poste Italiane, with SDA couriers, the shipment code will be indicated, traceable on the website at amministrazione/ search/index.html. For shipments made by express courier BRT (Bartolini) delivery is expected within 48 hours, a shipping number will still be issued for tracking on the site at the address</ u>. For shipments made by GLS express courier, delivery is expected within 48 hours, however a shipping number will be issued for tracking on the site at the address .</p >


Additional shipping costs for islands on orders over 30kg:

Sardinia - supplement €12.00

Smaller islands - supplement €12.00

Smaller islands of Sardinia - supplement €24.00


Right of withdrawal

19. - Pursuant to articles. 64 et seq. of Legislative Decree 206/05, if the customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who makes purchases for purposes not attributable to his professional activity, or does not make the purchase by indicating a Match reference in the order form VAT), has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty.

19.1 - To exercise this right the customer must, within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the products, contact GrecoShop customer service on 081 6126025 or send a communication by registered letter with receipt of return, specifying the returnYou can exercise your right of withdrawal at:


GrecoShop S.r.l.

Via San Giorgio Vecchio, 87

80046 - San Giorgio a Cremano (NA)


The customer service manager of GrecoShop S.r.l. will indicate to the customer how to pay any return costs, once the product has been returned, GrecoShop S.r.l. within 30 days of the return of the goods (period within which the integrity and functionality of the product and packaging will be checked), the amount will be credited back after having verified the integrity of the goods. The credit will take place only and exclusively by bank transfer for orders previously paid by bank transfer (9) or cash on delivery (10). It will be the customer's responsibility to promptly indicate the bank details. Orders previously paid for by credit card, debit card, prepaid card or PayPal account will have the money credited back to the respective credit card, debit card, prepaid card or PayPal account.

The goods must be returned intact and functional, complete with all their components and in the original and undamaged packaging (envelopes and packages), kept and possibly used according to normal diligence, in the total absence of wear or dirt.</p >

19.2 - The right of withdrawal is subject to these conditions:
-  It applies to the product purchased in its entirety; it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on a fraction of the product purchased 
-  It does not apply: (i) to audiovisual products or sealed computer software (including those attached to hardware material), once opened; (ii) to products made to measure or clearly personalized.
- The purchased good must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and any additional documentation); in any case, affixing labels or adhesive tapes directly to the original packaging of the product should be avoided;
- The shipping and integrity of the product, until it is received in our warehouse, is under the complete responsibility of the Customer;
- Upon arrival in the warehouse, the product will be examined to assess damage, tampering and missing parts not resulting from transport. If the package and/or packaging are damaged, GrecoShop S.r.l. may withhold a percentage from the refund due, no more than 10% of the same, as a contribution to the restoration costs.

19.3 - The right of withdrawal lapses entirely, due to the lack of the essential condition of integrity of the goods (packaging - contents), in cases in which GrecoShop S.r.l. ascertains:
- The unconventional use of the goods which has caused the wear and tear of the goods, or the use of any consumables;
- The lack of external packaging, packaging original interior or part of it;
- The absence of integral elements originally attached to the product;
- Damage to the product for reasons other than its transport.
In case of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, the goods will be made available to the Customer for collection at his expense at the GrecoShop headquarters S.r.l.



20. The personal data requested when placing the order are collected and processed in order to satisfy the express requests of the Customer and will under no circumstances and for any reason be transferred to third parties. GrecoShop S.r.l. guarantees its customers compliance with the legislation on the processing of personal data, governed by the privacy code referred to in Legislative Decree 196 of 06.30.03.

The data controller is GrecoShop S.r.l.

Registered office: Isola G1/D Management Center floor 12 int.88 - 80143 (NA).



21. Any complaints must be addressed to:

GrecoShop S.r.l.

Registered Office: Isola G1/D Management Center floor 12 int.88

80143 - Naples (NA)

P. VAT 08659501210

Operational headquarters: Via San Giorgio Vecchio, 87

80046 - San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) -</ p>


Applicable law

22. The sales contract between the Customer and GrecoShop S.r.l. is understood to be concluded in Italy and regulated by Italian law. For the resolution of civil and criminal disputes arising from the conclusion of this distance selling contract, if the Customer is a consumer, the territorial jurisdiction is that of the reference court of his municipality of residence, in all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction it is exclusively that of the Court of Naples.

