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Privacy Policy

General regulation

Terms and conditions
1. Use of
Any access and use of this Website is subject to the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, you should leave the site immediately.
We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time.
Access to the site may be suspended temporarily or permanently and without notification - at our discretion.
We will, however, do everything to make the site accessible 24 hours a day - however we will not be liable if the site cannot be visited at any time (or for periods of time).
2. Accuracy of information
It will be our effort to ensure that the information on the site is accurate - we cannot, however, guarantee that the information is always updated and in real time. The site contains a huge number of data and it is possible that errors are made during the update - an example could be the opening times of attractions or the dates of particular events.
We cannot accept any responsibility for such errors or omissions.
If you find incorrect information, we ask you to let us know as soon as possible and we will try to correct it as soon as possible (if possible).
Some parts of this site contain information that is passed to Greco Group S.r.l. by third parties. It is the responsibility of third parties to ensure that the material submitted is in compliance with national and international laws. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these materials and we cannot, therefore, hold ourselves responsible for errors and / or omissions and for the inconveniences caused by such imperfections. Furthermore we cannot be responsible for possible lack of services described in the materials of third parties or for bankruptcy, liquidation or termination of activities of third companies. We advise you to check directly with the companies concerned.
We will not accept responsibility for the content of any site that has a link on The links you will find on our site are published for your reference and should be taken as they are.
3. Responsibility
We will not be liable for damages generated by contracts, wrongs or anything else that derives from the inability to use this site, including the inability to understand the material contained in it or actions resulting from the misinterpretation of it.
4. Legal Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by Italian law.
5. Additional information
The terms used indicate the following:
The / this site =
We = Greco Group S.r.l.
You = Users of


Copyright Notice

The rights relating to the documents, the logo, every graphic element or file published on the site, belong to the owner of the website.
Reproduction, even partial, is prohibited by any means, analogue or digital, without the prior written consent of the owner. The authorization must be requested in writing via e-mail and is considered accepted only with the specific consent of the owner of {C}, always in writing. Silence does not give rise to any authorization.
Please note that pursuant to art. 5 of Law 22.4.1941 n. 633 on the protection of copyright, the texts of official acts of the State as well as public administrations, both Italian and foreign, are not covered by copyright. This right, where indicated, refers to the preparation and presentation of the texts themselves.
Those who collaborate by signing articles and essays have the copyright on their works and are responsible for what they write, exempting the owner from any responsibility.
Quotations for news, study, criticism or review are permitted, provided the name of the author of the article and the indication of the source "GrecoFer" are reported, followed by the internet address
Links to the site - Links from other sites are allowed, to the first page of as long as there is a prior notification. If the link recalls an internal page of the site, it is necessary that in addition to the prior communication, there is an indication of the source "GrecoFer", which refers to the first page.
Other legal information
Links to other sites - is not linked to the sites reviewed as links and is not responsible for their content.
Print - This site is not to be considered an editorial product subject to the discipline of art. 1, paragraph 3, of Law 07.03.2001, n. 62.
However, the information required by art. 2 of law 47/48, compatible with the nature of the telematic means:
Hosting: Italian companies
Owner: GrecoFer

Privacy policy

All information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be marketed.
All information will be used exclusively for information purposes only if you declare your consent to the use of the data for this purpose.
The coockies we use on this site have the sole purpose of facilitating its navigation
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